Healthy coasts, rivers, deserts, wetlands and natural landscapes are central to the way of Northern Territory life, our culture and our livelihoods. Protecting this diverse landscape against the threats from climate change, weed species like Buffel grass, and inappropriate industrial developments is at the core of the work of ALEC.
ALEC engages extensively in government policy processes, and collaborates with a number of organisations to develop and deliver effective land management and conservation strategies.
We are:
- Working in partnership to support large scale land management projects that span the NT, SA and WA
- Advocating for better laws and more resources to protect nature in the NT
- Monitoring new mining and development proposals
- Supporting community responses to inappropriate developments
ALEC is working to protect the outback through:
- Representation/Submissions – representation on committees and working groups, submissions on government policy and environmental impact statements.
- Don’t Frack the Outback – campaigning to ban fracking to protect our climate and groundwater
- Ten Deserts Project Partner – connecting land managers across regions and state borders
- Biodiversity Matters – a biodiversity volunteer conservation program
- No Toxic Waste Dump - the campaign to stop a high level toxic waste dump in Central Australia
- Nuclear Free NT - campaigning against the nuclear industry in the NT