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Submission Writing Guide: General Tips 


Why Write a Submission?

Government agencies often invite submissions from the public to collect views and to gauge community opinion on new or existing government policies or proposals, and these responses help shape the decisions of Government. It is important that a diverse range of people and groups with different perspectives
and experiences are heard, so that the government department doing the review receives adequate representation and is better informed about how the law affects people from across the community.

Learn more about how to write an effective submission 


Submission Writing Guides:

Short submission guide: Carpentaria Gas Pilot Production

Singleton EIS Draft Terms of Reference ALEC position and submission guide

Draft Western Davenport Water Allocation Plan Submission Writing Guide and Sample Letter

Sample letter - NTEPA Singleton

Environmental Defenders Office Singleton Submission Writing Guide

Georgina Wiso WAP submission writing guide

ALEC's submission writing guide on the Northern Territory Draft Greenhouse Gas Emissions Offset Policy 

ALEC's submission writing guide for the Northern Territory Strategic Water Plan