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Stop the Singleton Station water licence

We’re taking the Minster for the Environment to court over the Singleton water licence.

Why? The approval of the largest groundwater licence in the history of the Northern Territory puts arid ecosystems at risk of being destroyed. This enormous licence is simply too big to be sustainable and must be overturned. 

ALEC is urgently raising funds for the campaign to stop Singleton. Please donate today.

Fortune Agribusiness are being gifted up to 40 billion litres of groundwater each year for 30 years to develop one of Australia’s largest fruit and vegetable farms in the arid zone. 

It’s unsustainable to give away that much water – especially in the arid zone where climate change is already impacting water availability. What’s more is that Fortune won’t pay a cent for the water they use.

Represented by the Environmental Defenders Office, ALEC is arguing that the decision to approve Singleton was unlawful because it breaches key provisions designed to protect groundwater-dependant ecosystems. The decision must be overturned.

The Singleton development could lower parts of the groundwater table by 50 metres and is likely to destroy huge swathes of groundwater-dependant ecosystems which are sacred to local Traditional Owners.

Our water laws are there to ensure our water resources are managed sustainably – they are failing us.  Until the major flaws in our water laws are adequately addressed, independent scrutiny over water licensing decisions such as Singleton is crucial.

This licence sets a dangerous precedent for the industrialisation of water resources in Central Australia. It shows that the NT Government will pursue large-scale irrigated agriculture, whether or not it can be done sustainably and without irreversibly damaging precious water.

ALEC has a 40-year history speaking out for the protection of protection of land, water and ecosystems on behalf of arid communities. This is our chance to hold the government to account on our failing water laws.

Water is life in Central Australia, and it must be protected.

This is your fight too. 

Chip in to help stop Singleton and protect water for all Territorians.


Please watch the Water Justice Project first release here

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