The Arid Lands Environment Centre (ALEC) will be hosting the premiere screening of “#Stop Adani – A Mighty Force” at 7pm Thursday 22nd February at 90 Gap Road Alice Springs.
The #StopAdani campaign is currently one of the biggest environmental campaigns across the country, mobilising thousands of people to protest against plans to build the biggest coal mine in Australian history in Central Queensland.
“#StopAdani: A Mighty Force” is the inspiring story of the growing peoples movement to stop the construction of the coal mine, and will be premiered at simultaneous screenings across Australia on the 22nd February.
“Despite living thousands of kilometres away from the mine site here in Alice Springs, the #StopAdani Campaign resonates with many community members. It reflects growing community concern over climate change, and highlights the shift required away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy,” said Nicole Pietsch, Strategy and Communications Manager at the Arid Lands Environment Centre.
“Here in the Northern Territory we have our own challenges with mining and threats to our climate. If the Beetaloo Basin is fracked it is estimated that the carbon emissions will be 4-5 times that of the Adani project. When the INPEX Ichthys gas project comes online it will produce 280Mt of carbon over it’s 40 year lifetime.”
“The Northern Territory desperately needs a comprehensive climate policy with a carbon reduction target that outlines how we are going to do our bit to act on climate change. We need to ban fracking and stop investing in new fossil fuel infrastructure.”
“We invite community members to come along and be inspired by the action that communities are taking against the Adani coal mine, and hear more about the key climate issues in the NT in 2018,” said Nicole Pietsch.
Doors open at 7pm. Films start at 7.30pm. Food and drinks will be available. Entry by donation.