Policy & Advocacy
'No role for new gas': joint submission to the Gas Fired Recovery Plan
March 08, 2021
The Federal Government has a vision for a gas-fired recovery in response to the COVID-19 economic downturn and plans to invest billions of dollars of public money into this failing industry. ALEC’s joint submission...
Read More ShareSUBMISSION: 'World's largest solar farm' must benefit all Territorians
February 02, 2021
Decarbonisation and the expansion of renewable energy are essential in mitigating the impacts of climate change. ALEC supports Sun Cable’s plan to build the world’s largest solar farm in the Territory, provided it brings local...
Read More ShareWhy we need a new water allocation plan for Alice Springs
December 15, 2020
Alice Springs has among the highest rates of water consumption in Australia. With close to 30,000 households and businesses using water from a finite groundwater supply drawn from the ancient Amadeus Basin Aquifers, careful...
Read More ShareSubmission: stopping Central Petroleum's dangerous new precedent for oil and gas drilling
December 13, 2020
ALEC made a submission in response to Central Petroleum’s Northern Territory Drilling Campaign. Central Petroleum wants to drill for gas and oil in the Amadeus Basin and has applied to the Northern Territory government...
Read More SharePetition update: ‘The great water heist?’
December 09, 2020
Thank you to the hundreds of people who signed the petition calling on Environment Minister Eva Lawler to intervene in Fortune Agribusiness’ annual 40 billion litre water licence application. If granted, this would be...
Read More ShareGovernment tries to rush changes to our environmental laws — country and climate will pay the price
November 19, 2020
The Federal Government has introduced a bill that proposes a number of changes to the EPBC Act, our national environmental laws. The Government is seeking to make legislative changes at the eleventh hour, before...
Read More ShareWhy we need a Safe Drinking Water Act in the NT
November 03, 2020
Safe drinking water is fundamental for maintaining public health and supporting healthy communities. ALEC’s review of the regulatory framework surrounding water use in the Northern Territory revealed an inadequate system unable to address the...
Read More ShareGrowing avocados in the desert: the 40,000 megalitre water license application
October 28, 2020
Fortune Agribusiness recently applied for an annual 40,000 megalitre water licence from the NT Government to develop irrigated fruit and vegetable crops on Singleton Station, located within the Western Davenport water control district. ALEC made a submission calling...
Read More ShareSubmission to the Senate Select Committee on COVID-19
June 04, 2020
Australian lives and livelihoods have been hit hard by the pandemic. To help coordinate a response and reduce the economic impacts of the pandemic, the Federal Government established the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission (the...
Read More ShareOur environmental laws are failing in the NT. Help demand stronger laws.
May 12, 2020
Our national environment laws – the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation or EPBC Act – is failing to protect the environment in the Northern Territory. The once-in-a-decade review is our chance to strengthen them. In...
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