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Meal Planning and the Cult of Preservation Workshop

Australians waste nearly a tonne of food per household every year! Which is a lot. Veg-icide is commonplace as we get to the end of the week or fortnight and chuck out all the leftover fruit and veg that didn't get eaten. After doing a bit of asking around we found out that cabbage, wombok and spring onions were often victims of our poor planning.

Spend an hour with Laurie and learn a bit more about the importance of meal planning and learn to make Kim Chi at home! 
9am Saturday November 4th. Cost is $15 for non-members, $10 for members/concession and covers all materials.


November 04, 2017 at 9:30am - 10:30am
ALEC Community Centre
90 Gap Rd
Alice Springs , NT 0870
Google map and directions
Laurie May · · 404623252
Doris Stangl Round Kate Marie Laurie May Eleanor Hooke Alex Read Nicole Pietsch Maria Van Neerven

Will you come?