ALEC is a proud supporter of When the River Runs Dry, a documentary from Rory McLeod, produced by Nora & RD Productions.
In January 2019, a viral video showed grown men near Menindee weeping as they held dead Murray Cod, decades old, which had perished in yet another environmental disaster. Australians were horrified, and politicians blamed drought, while ecologists and water management specialists claimed it was due to the over-allocation and over-extraction of water.
Two weeks later, it was forgotten.
News that the Darling River, or Barka, as it is known to its people, was in a state of ecological collapse had disappeared from the media and, although people were shouting about what was happening, no one was listening. Who was to blame? And what could be done?
Have a look at the trailer here, and keep an eye out for an Alice Springs screening soon.