There are some new faces on our ALEC board and we have a new constitution!
The wonderful people voted onto our 2019-2020 board at last month's AGM are:
Chair - Barb Molanus
Deputy Chair - Liz Olle
Treasurer - Pamela Mills
Secretary - TBC
Deputy Chair - Liz Olle
Treasurer - Pamela Mills
Secretary - TBC
Public Officer - Keith Castle
Board members - SezzaJai Sykes, Harry Cossar-Gilbert, Rosalie Schultz, Tierneigh Parnell and Brenda Shields
Thanks to outgoing Treasurer Nerida Nettelbeck and board members Antz Dent and Liz Moore.
Our dedicated Alice Springs Community Garden volunteer and a founding member of CAFFA, Allan O'Keefe, was recognised for his immense contribution to ALEC with a Life Membership. Thank you for your enthusiasm and hard work Allan!
Take a look at our new constitution here.
Want to know what we've been up to over the past financial year? Read our annual report!