Council has an important role to play in helping communities reduce emissions and adapt to climate change, as climate impacts are felt most acutely at the local level. ALEC will continue to advocate for climate change risks to be embedded in Council planning and decision-making, to help build the resilience of our communities and environment to economic, social and environmental costs.
Our changing climate
It's well accepted that climate change is a critical issue that carries implications for generations to come. Its impacts are already being felt in Central Australia, and we need to action to ensure a safe and healthy climate future for all.
All across Australia, local governments are leading action on climate change.
Our climate action plan
In January 2019, Alice Springs Town Council released a Climate Action Plan 2018-2021 for the town. It was a definitive step forward in accepting the science and challenges of a warming climate however three years on, not enough progress has been made.
Given the risk that climate change poses to our town, ALEC will advocate strongly for more action and proper accountability as Council prepares to review and update the Climate Action Plan.
Climate Ready Council
ALEC is surveyed council and mayoral candidates ahead of the 2021 Council election to find out what Climate Ready actions they have already taken, and what actions they will support if elected.
The questions in the survey are taken from the list of actions in the Climate Action Plan endorsed by Alice Springs Town Council in 2019.
To see a candidate's full questionnaire response please click here.
Authorised by Jade Kudrenko, Arid Lands Environment Centre, 8/74 Todd St, Alice Springs