We have a working bee this Sunday from 9-11. All welcome! Preparing for the Garden event on the 18th. Will also dig over the sweet potato community bed. What treasures will we find?
We held a number of valuable and most enjoyable working bees in March/April. All the fruit trees were fertilised, two beautiful large compost heaps built and the front and mandala community gardens rejuvenated adding compost, manure, and flowers of sulphur to reduce the soil alkalinity before forking over. The mandala garden dripper lines were cleaned in a weak acid bath to reduce salt buildup and relaid before a wide variety of seedlings were planted.
Dripper lines on individual plots could be similarly treated if watering seems uneven. Plot holders can come along to a working bee and speak with a committee member if interested. Or contact Bruce (see below).
Next week the timers controlling the water to individual plots will be turned back to once daily for winter.
It's a great time now for winter plantings. A good rain would be wonderful but unlikely, so it's still worthwhile to overhead water to soak your bed before planting new seedlings; and to water again daily by hand for at least a few days to get them established.
New plot holders and members are always most welcome! If you are at all interested, please come along on Sunday or next Thursday 18th for a personal tour.
Good cheer
Bruce Simmons ASCG Convenor
(m) 0451457335 [email protected]