ALEC welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft Northern Territory parks 2022-2052 Masterplan. We acknowledge the extensive work completed by the Department in producing this consultation paper. However, we have concerns with the Parks Masterplan consultation paper in its current form. Read our full submission.
Our submission focuses on six key areas:
- conservation and biodiversity;
- the framing of the Parks Masterplan;
- background information;
- threats to Parks;
- regulatory reform;
- and consultations.
Feedback from our members
ALEC surveyed members who made their intentions clear around their concerns and priorities for the Parks estate. Some examples are included below:
“Biodiversity and conservation is the cornerstone of our Parks estate. An investment in protecting biodiversity is an investment in supporting our Parks to thrive.”“Conservation should be the main priority.”
“My key concern is that the NT government sees our parks as a money making opportunity, with no concern about investing in their true purpose, which is conservation of native flora and fauna.”
“Weed management - buffel in Central Australia, reducing impact of increase fires, preventing further losses in biodiversity.”
“NT gov needs to properly fund weed and feral animal management in parks - the recent fires in Watarrka National Park were probably caused by a very manageable buffel infestation and the disastrous fires in Tjoritja NP a few years ago definitely were.”