It's submission time for planning regulation and policy! Luckily, ALEC has the info you need for you to have your say - it's easier than you think, and you could make a real impact and benefit the environment.
Planning regulation and policy includes land use policy, urban design and ecologically sustainable development (ESD) - and the current NT framework is regarded as outdated, difficult to use and largely unenforceable.
One of the NT Government's key election commitments was to overhaul this framework. After review and consultation, the Department of Infrastructure Planning and Logistics have drafted potential changes to the Planning Scheme and amendments to the Planning Act to improve functioning.
You can view these changes here:
To help you make your submission, we're developing a short summary of the changes and an outline of our position. We are generally supportive of the proposals as they will make the Act more enforceable, increase the role of policy in planning outcomes, and integrate ESD principles into the Act. They'll also simplify the process of assessing development, and make it easier for the community to be part of decision making.
Watch this space and our website for our upcoming submission guide.
Submissions close 29th November 2019.