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Donate to help stop the spread of buffel

Buffel grass poses a monumental and growing threat to our much-loved, but vulnerable, arid landscapes. 

ALEC's goal is to get this invasive species listed as a Class A/B weed here in the Territory. 

We are working on reviewing the current policy situation, identifying opportunities for policy change on this issue, and mapping a credible pathway to securing the changes needed to halt and reverse the trajectory of the biodiversity loss caused by buffel grass. 

With seemingly intractable problems like buffel, it is incredibly important for ALEC to be supported by donors who see the value in investing in the early phases of policy advocacy, precisely because the change needed seems near impossible. 

With your support, we look forward to continuing this advocacy work and charting a course to real action to address one of the biggest threats to biodiversity facing our region. 

With your donation, we’re one step closer to busting buffel and halting it's devastating effects on our region's biodiversity. 

$30,000 GOAL
