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Dingo Protection in the NT November 2023

Currently, there is widespread killing of Dingoes on pastoral leases in the NT with broad-scale 1080 poisoning, as well as trapping and shooting. This is happening based on misunderstandings of the dingo population in the NT and their predation behaviour. As apex predators, Dingoes hold an ecologically significant place in the landscape, influencing the abundance of many species of plants and animals across multiple levels of the ecosystem. Dingos also hold cultural importance for First Nations people and have a complex, symbiotic relationship that crosses physical and spiritual realms.

"Dingoes are important in our Dreaming. Out in the bush dingoes helped us hunt and find water… Dingoes can live without people…They can smell water and hunt very well. They are an important part of keeping country healthy."

ALEC will be holding a community information meeting about Dingoes, their roles and relationships and how they can be better protected across the arid lands. The meeting will be held in person and online.


In person

When: Monday Nov 6 5:30-6:30

Where: ALEC office, 90 Gap Rd, The Gap


Zoom invite:

Topic: Dingo Protection in the NT

Time: Nov 6, 2023 05:30 PM Darwin


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 884 2092 7626

Passcode: 7aLLZe


November 06, 2023 at 5:30pm - 6:30pm