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Creative Vegetable Gardening - Youth Permaculture Workshop

Do you want to learn more about permaculture and gain hands-on skills?

Join us for the first in a series of four permaculture workshops designed to introduce young people aged 12 - 25 to permaculture basics.

In workshop one, Creative Vegetable Gardening, we'll explore com­pan­ion plant­i­ng, crop rota­tion, pets, weeds, making your own pes­ti­cides, and propagation.

Workshops are FREE but BOOK­INGS ESSEN­TIAL as places are limited!

Email: YDO@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au
Call: 8950 0547

The work­shops are designed to be stand-alone, so you can sign up for a single session or come along to all four work­shops to receive a Train­ing Cer­tifi­cate at the end!

The workshops are presented by Arid Edge Environmental Services, in partnership with Alice Springs Town Council with funding from Heywire Grants.

Other workshops in the series are: 

2. Build a Wick­ing Bed

1pm-4pm, Sat­ur­day 22 May 2021
The Redis­cov­ery Cen­tre (tip shop), Com­mon­age Rd, Ilparpa

3. Per­ma­cul­ture & Composting

1pm-4pm, Sat­ur­day 5 June 2021
West­side Com­mu­ni­ty Gar­den, 56 Mil­ner Rd, Gillen

4. Plants & Ani­mals + Prun­ing & Sus­tain­able Irrigation

1pm-4pm, Sat­ur­day 19 June 2021
Alice Springs East side Com­mu­ni­ty Gar­den, 105 Burke St, East Side

May 09, 2021 at 1:00pm - 4pm
Alice Springs Community Garden
105 Burke St
Alice Springs, NT 0870
Google map and directions
ASTC · · 8950 0547